Is it sticky? Yes. Does it have more than one wing? Yes. Are all of its legs ready to scamper across your screen? Yes! The spring issue (5) of Book of Matches is LIVE. Please use the download link(s) below for both the PDF and FlipBook versions. Please also take some time to link this page and share far and wide across your social media platforms and in any other spaces you wish.
A huge thank you to the unique and diverse collection of authors who have gifted their work for this issue. Submissions for issue 6 will open May 5th. Please refer to our submissions page for complete guidelines. Now, go grab something sweet and crumbly, have a sit down, and get ready to be probed by this issue's proboscis.
Onward, inward, and with much affection,
-Kelli and Nicholas Read the FlipBook Here
Q: where dost thou findest THE truth,
my just and worthy liege??
A: not from the L nor the R in this
feeble, fallible, finite existence.
I assume you know what a NDEr is:
millions around the world have
experienced as I went through.
'Follow us Uppastairs by honoring
the Mudda of God if you don'ta do
nthn else, kapiche??' -sez the savvy,
sassy, sauve Carnivæl Barker
(isnt sHe anti-establishment?)
☆ ☆